Littleton on Severn – Wickwar
Between the White Hart in Littleton on Severn and the Wickwar coffee shop on Wickwar High Street.
Both directions are the same – no one-way sections.
Severn Estuary viewFrom our stop at the excellent White Hart we head north and turn right, joining stock hill. However, turning left will take you to the severn estuary where you can have a nice walk with expansive views. Definitely worth spending half an hour there.
Back to the ACW, and a nice ride across country before turning right onto Kington lane. Continue all the way before turning left into Castle Street in Thornbury. Swing ’round past St Marys Church on your left.
Thornbury CastleCarrying straight on will take you to Thornbury Castle. It’s not much of a highlight, to be honest, but it’s marked on the map. It’s not a real castle, but an early Tudor country house. It wouldn’t stand much of an assault. It now contains a hotel and restaurant.
Past the castle and Church Road changes to Park Road. Past the Castle School. The road changes to Whitfield Rd as it bears right and you hit the B4061 Gloucester Road (not the A38 version). Turn left and then right into Severn View Road. Follow right to the end where you’ll turn left into Knapp Road. Then left again into what looks like a dead end, but in fact it is still Knapp Road. There are bollards at the end, so go through and straight across Morton Way into Crossways Lane. Take a right into Clay lane and follow it until it merges with Hacket Lane. Follow Hacket Lane until you get to the real A38 Gloucester Road. Turn left and then immediately right across the A38 into Cuttsheath Road. Keep going straight ahead past a right turning. You are now on Cromhill Road which takes you across the M5.
Now you’re really in the country. The road gets very narrow in places, so be alert around bends. You never know what is using the roads in the country.
Eventually you meet the Bristol Road – the B4058. Take a right then left into Cowslip Lane following the road until we reach Wickwar at the T junction with the Downs. Take a right into the village. The route then goes left, but we’ll take a detour to the right onto the High Street and stop at the Wickwar coffee shop.

The High Street and surrounds are worth exploring – lots of interesting buildings dating way back. Wiki link.